'To blog or not to blog?' that was the question.
Although I may have nothing interesting to say, for my sanity and the sake of my family's I think this is probably the best option, as no-one can here me scream here on the farm.
Today sees me on the first day of harvest. And so it begins. 6 weeks of cooking for any number of men (could be 1, could be 10), not seeing my husband, and being a single parent. On this topic is my first list:
- How many people need tea tonight? (it will change, oh yes, it will change)
- Can you look after the kids for an hour? (pfft)
- Can you fix the broken air-conditioner? ('It's only 40degrees!')
- What do I do with this snake on the back step? ('Get shovel and deal with it')
- Can we have a pet dog? (What is a pet dog? followed by 'No.')
So, good luck to all the brave harvest wives and just remember- it will end.
Now off to peel yabbies for yabby pizza tonight. Recipe will follow.
Little G in canola while it was still flowering |